Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto married Nusrat Isphahani on September 8, 1951.His first child, Benazir Bhutto, was born on June 21. On his return to Pakistan, Bhutto started practicing Law at

In 1958, he joined President Iskander Mirza’s Cabinet as Commerce Minister. He was the youngest Minister in Ayub Khans Cabinet. In 1963, he took over the post of Foreign Minister from Muhammad Ali Bogra. His first major achievement was to conclude the Sino-Pakistan boundary agreement on March 2, 1963. In mid 1964, Bhutto helped convince Ayub of the wisdom of establishing closer economic and diplomatic links with Turkey and Iran. The trio later on formed the R. C. D. In June 1966, Bhutto left Ayub’s Cabinet over differences concerning the Tashkent Agreement.

In early 1972, Bhutto nationalized ten categories of major industries, and withdrew Pakistan from the Commonwealth of Nations and S. E. A. T. O. when Britain and other western countries recognized the new state of Bangladesh. On March 1, he introduced land reforms, and on July 2, 1972, signed the Simla

After the National Assembly passed the 1973 Constitution, Bhutto was sworn-in as the Prime Minister of the country.
On December 30, 1973, Bhutto laid the foundation of Pakistan’s first steel mill at Pipri, near Karachi. On January 1, 1974, Bhutto nationalized all banks. On February 22, 1974, the second Islamic Summit was inaugurated in Lahore. Heads of States of most of the 38 Islamic countries attended the Summit.

On April 4, 1979, the former Prime Minister was hanged, after the Supreme Court upheld the death sentence passed by the Lahore High Court. The High Court had given him the death sentence on charges of murder of the father of a dissident P. P. P.

Another respectful title commonly bestowed upon him by supporters is Quaid-e-Awam, or "Leader of the Masses" as he was indeed a populist statesman.
Hello Farrukh, I returned to thank you for the comment, I hope that Pakistan will find the serenity that deserves a greeting from Italy, Eugenio
Hi..Pollicino, My pleasure to see you again here.I respect your feelings for Pakistan.
Long Live Italy. With Love from Pakistan.
Mr.Sikandar Hayat.You are absolutely right "To stop us from repeating history is by not forgetting history." Hope for the best with Regards.
hello farrukh... how are u doing, i was just wondring around on internet and than i saw ur profile, well i am sure u are the same farrukh who i know well. i can only guess caz ur picture is not very clear. ok before askin something else if u cud confirm me if u have been working in IIMC Islamabad.thanks
W.Salam Nice to see you on my Blog Tasawur Hru man, long time no see! Hoz life ON Hope you are pink of your Health. I was heard that you are out of country, where when I don't know. Do you know Ikhlaq get married last sunday. Rest is ok. Keep in touch Take Care, With love from Pakistan
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