From my childhood till now i have heard and read so many times that a friend in need is a friend indeed and also experienced in the real life that when ever i need any kind of help my friends were there before any one else & i never found a problem as a problem even if it is a giant one. but in the last couple of weeks i experienced this saying in my Life when my virtual friends who know me only as the person at the other side of the screen support and help me and their heartily prayers give me Extra ordinary courage to face things in a better way.Yes I am talking about the On-line community regardless of their countries, regardless of their beliefs They are all one when it requires specially talking about some very kind people whom i need to say Thank with the bottom of my Heart today. Actually some days before the 24th of January my father was not feeling well and then we came to know that he has to go through a surgery to get rid of the problem, i always found my father as a great strength & big support, but at that time when he was afraid of being operated and i had to play my role to support him and make him feel as i am with him in all the procedures to be done ahead. I don't think i could be able to handle the situation so well without some people's support who are here & far away, even then proved to be a part of my life. I want to pay my heartily gratitude to them as they let me understand the real meaning of the above mentioned quote. It doesn't mean that a friend must have to help you financially or with his presence physically but a friend can help you by strengthen you by their prayers, Support and kind words of being with you. They can high up your moral, they can enhance your ability and can give you confidence of handling situations that are hard enough to you to handle.
I am Thankful to my ALLAH that he has given me not a few but so many of friends to whom i can call my real friends indeed, even when they are far away but They join their hands for prayers when i need them the most and they strengthen my Faith, my power and give me courage to face the situation in a more better way. I am Thank full to Twitter Friends all over the world. My gratitude's for all those who even pray once for me. I love you all.Thank you so much for your Prayers, Love , Support & Most of all your Friendship :-) & also Thankful to those invisible hands who pray but did not mention me Thanks for being there.
I would like to thank some most caring friends who know the meaning of above mentioned title of my post by all means. They really are the charming Flowers of the garden of my life. ;-) You should follow these icons of Kindness & Friendship. You will feel happy to meet them i bet. :-) Go meet them!
And yes..i have so many more friends which are not included in this list because in this post i have only mentioned those specific people who respond me in my father's illness and yes the next "MEETWITH Series"!! coming Soon! :-)
The best kind of friend is the one you could sit on a porch with, never saying
a word, and walk away feeling like that was the best conversation you've had. ~Author Unknown

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Thank you so much can't tell you how much i am touched.
wonder full take care God bless you
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